Few studies have systematically examined the covert neutralizing strategies that serve to maintain and exacerbate the frequency and distress related to intrusive thoughts. Given the lack of research in this area, this study aimed to highlight development and maintenance factors for one such strategy, compensatory prayer, to inform assessment and treatment of related obsessional phenomena. We used a multimethod approach to examine the predictors and function of prayer when it is used in response to negative intrusive thoughts. Participants were 85 undergraduate students (ages 18-55 years) who self-identified with a branch of Christianity. In addition to self-report measures, participants were administered an in vivo negative thought induction and were subsequently asked about their use of compensatory prayer behaviors. Results indicated that religiosity, intrinsic religious motivation, and moral thought-action fusion (TAF) positively predicted the use of prayer, with moral TAF emerging as a unique predictor and a complete mediator between religiosity and the use of prayer. Regarding the function of prayer, results indicated that when prayer is used maladaptively (i.e., negative coping style), it is associated with higher scores on religious measures and moral TAF, as well as more frequent engagement in prayer, and a greater reduction in anxiety postprayer. Surprisingly, likelihood TAF was not found to be related to the use or function of prayer. Results are discussed in terms of certain religious teachings and TAF-related beliefs, neurobiological explanations for our pattern of findings, and clinical implications for religious-related intrusive thoughts. Future directions and limitations are also discussed.
Keywords: OCD; prayer; religiosity; scrupulosity; thought–action fusion.