Non-pharmacological interventions (NPIs) are continuously expanding for people over 60, both in terms of prevention and therapy. Selected empirically for centuries or recently appeared with the help of epigenetic studies, clinical trials and technological innovations, their development increase and are diversified around the world. Residual questions concern 1) their perimeter which seems to overlap with alternative medicines, 2) their evaluation which seems impossible according to some researchers, and 3) their implementation in the elderly which seems too fastidious. This article answers these three questions and then presents digital tools developed by the CEPS University Platform facilitating the evaluation of NPIs in the field of successful aging. The transformation of the health system, which has become necessary to meet the needs of baby-boomers, will widen the arsenal of solutions relevant to health, their combination of medicine and health approach that have become personalized, comprehensive and integrative. NPIs will play a major role there during the century. These practices are distinguished from alternative medicines, general public health messages and socio-cultural offers by continuous research, a quality approach and traceability of use. NPIs today constitute a complementary ecosystem for biomedical treatments whose economic and legal consolidation is increasing.
Keywords: intervention study; non-pharmacological intervention; positive health; successful aging.