A new serum-free, defined-protein, medium for the growth of murine hybridoma cells and the production of monoclonal antibodies has been developed. Designated WRC 935 medium, this formulation supports the growth of hybridoma cells in higher numbers, and promotes better cell viabilities and increased monoclonal antibody levels compared to growth in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum or in a DMEM/F-12 serum-free mixture. In suspension cultures, WRC 935 medium typically promoted cell growth to densities over two million cells per milliliter. This medium also promoted the rapid growth of cells following their transfer from liquid nitrogen storage. WRC 935 medium is especially useful for high density cell culture production methods using hollow-fiber bioreactors. Hollow-fiber bioreactors using this medium produced antibody at an average rate of 11 mg/day, and the antibody concentration ranged from 10 to 40 mg/ml.