Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to analyze the left pulmonary artery (LPA) branching pattern of the interlobar portion using three-dimensional CT pulmonary angiography (3D-CTPA) and thin-section CT images, and to attempt to diagrammatize these patterns.
Materials and methods: The study included 320 patients suspected of having lung cancer of the left upper/lower lobe who underwent CTPA. The number and origin of the LPA branches of the interlobar portion, A1 + 2c, A6, and lingular artery from pars interlobaris (PI), were identified meticulously using 3D-CTPA and thin-section images. We then diagrammatized the identified LPA branching patterns of the interlobar portion.
Results: The diagrammatized LPA branching patterns of the interlobar portion were broadly classified into seven types in the order of bifurcation from proximal to distal. Type 1 was the most frequent (120/320, 37.5%). PI originated from the lower portion, that is, from A8 or the common trunk of A8 and A9 in 95 cases (29.7%). We could also precisely diagrammatize the LPA branching patterns of the interlobar portion into 85 types in all 320 patients.
Conclusion: 3D-CTPA and thin-section images provided precise preoperative information regarding the LPA branching patterns of the interlobar portion.
Keywords: Anatomy; Lung cancer; Pulmonary arteries; Three-dimensional CT pulmonary angiography; Video-assisted thoracic surgery.