The primary driver for the development of organic thin-film transistors (TFTs) over the past few decades has been the prospect of electronics applications on unconventional substrates requiring low-temperature processing. A key requirement for many such applications is high-frequency switching or amplification at the low operating voltages provided by lithium-ion batteries (~3 V). To date, however, most organic-TFT technologies show limited dynamic performance unless high operating voltages are applied to mitigate high contact resistances and large parasitic capacitances. Here, we present flexible low-voltage organic TFTs with record static and dynamic performance, including contact resistance as small as 10 Ω·cm, on/off current ratios as large as 1010, subthreshold swing as small as 59 mV/decade, signal delays below 80 ns in inverters and ring oscillators, and transit frequencies as high as 21 MHz, all while using an inverted coplanar TFT structure that can be readily adapted to industry-standard lithographic techniques.
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