Voltage-gated sodium (Nav) channels drive the rising phase of the action potential, essential for electrical signalling in nerves and muscles. The Nav channel α-subunit contains the ion-selective pore. In the cardiomyocyte, Nav1.5 is the main Nav channel α-subunit isoform, with a smaller expression of neuronal Nav channels. Four distinct regulatory β-subunits (β1-4) bind to the Nav channel α-subunits. Previous work has emphasised the β-subunits as direct Nav channel gating modulators. However, there is now increasing appreciation of additional roles played by these subunits. In this review, we focus on β-subunits as homophilic and heterophilic cell-adhesion molecules and the implications for cardiomyocyte function. Based on recent cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) data, we suggest that the β-subunits interact with Nav1.5 in a different way from their binding to other Nav channel isoforms. We believe this feature may facilitate trans-cell-adhesion between β1-associated Nav1.5 subunits on the intercalated disc and promote ephaptic conduction between cardiomyocytes.
Keywords: Nav1.5; cell-adhesion; ephaptic conduction; sodium (Nav) channel β-subunits; voltage-gated sodium (Nav) channels.