Bartter-Gitelman syndromes are rare inherited autosomal recessive salt-losing tubulopathies characterized by severe and chronic hypokalemia associated with metabolic alkalosis and secondary hyperaldosteronism. Bartter syndrome results from a furosemide-like defect in sodium reabsorption in the Henle's loop leading to hypercalciuria and defect in urinary concentration capacity. The antenatal Bartter syndrome is defined by polyhydramnios and an infantile polyuria with severe dehydration whereas classic Bartter syndrome appears during childhood or adulthood. Gitelman syndrome is a thiazide-like salt-losing tubulopathy. It is associated with hypomagnesemia, hypocalciuria without defect in urinary concentration capacity. The diagnosis is most often made in adolescents or adults. Clinical symptoms include tetany, delay in the height-weight growth curves, chronic tiredness, muscle weakness, myalgia and vertigo. Nephrocalcinosis in Bartter syndrome could lead to chronic kidney disease. Antenatal Bartter syndrome requires hospitalization in intensive care unit to manage the severe newborn dehydration. Chondrocalcinosis is the major complication in the Gitelman syndrome. The corner stones of treatment is the fluid and electrolyte management Bartter and Gitelman syndromes need lifelong oral supplementations of potassium, salt (Bartter) and magnesium (Gitelman). Indomethacin is efficient to reduce water and electrolyte loss in Bartter. In Gitelman, potassium-sparing diuretics may be helping for severe hypokaliemia but they will reinforce hypovolemia.
Keywords: Gitelman syndrome; Hydramnios; Hypokaliemia; Hypokaliémie; Hypomagnesemia; Hypomagnésémie; Impaired salt reabsorption; Perte rénale de sel; Polyhydramnios; Renal tubular disease; Syndrome de Gitelman; Tubulopathie.
Copyright © 2020 Société francophone de néphrologie, dialyse et transplantation. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.