Soft-tissue hemangiomas have been described in MR imaging, but a histopathologic correlation to better understand the MR appearance has not been reported. Five patients with intramuscular soft-tissue hemangiomas were imaged in orthogonal planes on a 1.5-T system with spin-echo (SE) short-TR/TE sequences (600/20) and long-TR/TE sequences (2500/20-80). Complete intact surgical specimens were obtained, and gross and histopathologic findings were compared with MR findings. A striated-septated configuration with a high signal intensity on long-SE sequences (TE greater than 75 msec) correlated with endothelial-lined vascular channels separated by fibrous and/or fatty linear strands. An awareness of the morphologic MR pattern of soft-tissue hemangiomas may aid in recognition of these lesions.