Background: Smaller hippocampal volumes are reported in adults with major depressive disorder (MDD) and in reported childhood abuse. The hippocampus is a complex structure with distinct functional subfields. We sought to examine the effect of MDD diagnosis and childhood abuse on hippocampal subfields.
Methods: Forty-one MDD participants (17 reported abuse and 24 did not) and 46 healthy volunteers (HV) (2 reported abuse) underwent T1- weighted structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and clinical characterization in a retrospective design. A subfield segmentation program was used to measure the whole and subfield hippocampal volumes. Linear mixed-effects models were fitted for group comparisons.
Results: No main effect of diagnosis interaction effect between diagnosis and subfield region was observed. However, a comparison of abused MDD vs. HVs showed a group by region interaction. A significant interaction between childhood abuse and region was observed. Effects were confined to the left side of the brain, and post hoc, exploratory region-specific tests indicated smaller left CA1 volume in abused MDD compared with non-abused MDD. In addition, smaller amygdala volume was found in all MDD compared with HVs.
Limitations: We did not have a sample of healthy volunteers with reported childhood abuse.
Conclusions: The diagnosis of pure MDD may not be sufficient to exert effects on hippocampal volumes, indicating the importance of taking into account childhood trauma in studies on psychopathological mechanisms. Left CA1 might be the hippocampal subfield most relevant to reported childhood abuse. Smaller amygdala volume may be related to MDD diagnosis independent of childhood abuse.
Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier B.V.