Monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are the first truly two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor, providing an excellent platform to investigate light-matter interaction in the 2D limit. The inherently strong excitonic response in monolayer TMDs can be further enhanced by exploiting the temporal confinement of light in nanophotonic structures. Here, we demonstrate a 2D exciton-polariton system by strongly coupling atomically thin tungsten diselenide (WSe2) monolayer to a silicon nitride (SiN) metasurface. Via energy-momentum spectroscopy of the WSe2-metasurface system, we observed the characteristic anticrossing of the polariton dispersion both in the reflection and photoluminescence spectrum. A Rabi splitting of 18 meV was observed which matched well with our numerical simulation. Moreover, we showed that the Rabi splitting, the polariton dispersion, and the far-field emission pattern could be tailored with subwavelength-scale engineering of the optical meta-atoms. Our platform thus opens the door for the future development of novel, exotic exciton-polariton devices by advanced meta-optical engineering.
Keywords: 2D Exciton−polariton; Dielectric metasurface; Light−matter interaction; Monolayers.