Microscopy with extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light can provide many advantages over optical, hard x-ray or electron-based techniques. However, traditional EUV sources and optics have large disadvantages of scale and cost. Here, we demonstrate the use of a laboratory-scale, coherent EUV source to image biological samples-mouse hippocampal neurons-providing quantitative phase and amplitude transmission information with a lateral resolution of 80 nm and an axial sensitivity of ~1 nm. A comparison with fluorescence imaging of the same samples demonstrated EUV imaging was able to identify, without the need for staining or superresolution techniques, <100-nm-wide and <10-nm-thick structures not observable from the fluorescence images. Unlike hard x-ray microscopy, no damage is observed of the delicate neuron structure. The combination of previously demonstrated tomographic imaging techniques with the latest advances in laser technologies and coherent EUV sources has the potential for high-resolution element-specific imaging within biological structures in 3D.
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