Purpose: To determine the anatomical variations and morphology of the external carotid artery (ECA) and its anterior branches.
Methods: Using computed tomography angiography (CTA), the origin, internal diameter, and surface laterality emergence of the superior thyroid (STA), lingual (LA), and facial (FA) arteries were evaluated retrospectively evaluated and classified. The bifurcation level of the common carotid artery (CCA) in relation to the cervical vertebrae and disc was also determined.
Results: A total of 76 CTA were included in the study. STA originated from the carotid bifurcation (CB) (type I), CCA (type II) and ECA (type III) in 20.4 (31/152), 17.1 (26/152) and 50.7% (77/152) cases, respectively. Also 10.5% (16/152) arose from a shared trunk with LA as a thyrolingual trunk (TLT) (type IVa), and absent in 1.3% (2/152). LA originated in the CB in only one case. A linguofacial trunk (LFT) was present in 14.5% (22/152). Mean diameters of STA, LA and FA were 1.70, 1.95 and 2.45 mm, respectively. Meanwhile, surface laterality were predominately from anteromedial, medial, and anterior, respectively. CB was mainly on C3 or C3-C4 (55.9% of cases).
Conclusions: STA origin below the ECA is a common finding. Our population presented the highest percentage of TLT (10.5%) and high CB (9.8%) in literature. Considering these variations are important to prevent complications in neck surgical procedures.
Keywords: Anatomy; Computed tomography angiography; External carotid artery; Facial artery; Lingual artery; Linguofacial trunk; Morphology; The superior thyroid artery; Thyrolingual trunk.