It is known that musicians compared to non-musicians have some superior speech and language competence, yet the mechanisms how musical training leads to this advantage are not well specified. This event-related fMRI study confirmed that musicians outperformed non-musicians in processing not only of musical tones but also syllables and identified a network differentiating musicians from non-musicians during processing of linguistic sounds. Within this network, the activation of bilateral superior temporal gyrus was shared with all subjects during processing of the acoustically well-matched musical and linguistic sounds, and with the activation distinguishing tones with a complex harmonic spectrum (bowed tone) from a simpler one (plucked tone). These results confirm that better speech processing in musicians relies on improved cross-domain spectral analysis. Activation of left posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS), premotor cortex, inferior frontal and fusiform gyrus (FG) also distinguishing musicians from non-musicians during syllable processing overlapped with the activation segregating linguistic from musical sounds in all subjects. Since these brain-regions were not involved during tone processing in non-musicians, they could code for functions which are specialized for speech. Musicians recruited pSTS and FG during tone processing, thus these speech-specialized brain-areas processed musical sounds in the presence of musical training. This study shows that the linguistic advantage of musicians is linked not only to improved cross-domain spectral analysis, but also to the functional adaptation of brain resources that are specialized for speech, but accessible to the domain of music in the presence of musical training.
Keywords: Auditory processing; Domain-general; Music processing; Musicians; Speech processing.
Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier B.V.