Background: This paper reports a single-group, pre-post pilot of a peer-learning intervention between community health workers (CHWs) in the USA and Village Health Support Guides (Guides) in Cambodia to improve outcomes for Cambodians with type 2 diabetes (T2D).
Method: Two US-based CHWs were trained in a culturally derived cardiometabolic education curriculum called Eat, Walk, Sleep (EWS) and they were also trained in principles of peer learning. They in turn trained five Cambodia-based Guides remotely through videoconference with a phablet in EWS. Finally, Cambodia-based Guides met with 58 patients with diabetes, face-to-face in their villages, monthly for 6 months to deliver EWS. US-based CHWs and Cambodia-based Guides responded to surveys at baseline and post-treatment. Patients responded to surveys and provided blood pressure and blood samples at baseline and post-treatment.
Results: For US-based CHWs, scores on all surveys of diabetes knowledge, self-evaluation, job satisfaction, and information technology improved, though no statistical tests were run due to sample size. For Cambodia-based Guides, all scores on these same measures improved except for job satisfaction. For patients, n = 60 consented, 2 withdrew, and 7 were lost to follow-up leaving n = 51 for analysis. In paired t tests, patients showed significantly decreased A1c, decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressures, improved attitudes toward medicines, and a trend for switching from all-white to part-brown rice. No changes were detected in self-reported physical activity, medication adherence, sleep quality, or frequency or amount of rice consumed.
Conclusion: If proven effective in a controlled trial, cross-country peer learning could eventually help other diaspora communities.
Keywords: Cambodia; Community health workers; Diabetes; Peer education.