Objective was to analyze metabolic pathways based on a study of the metabolomic profile of pregnant women with intrauterine growth restriction. The metabolic profile of pregnant women with fetal growth restriction has been analyzed using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. At the second stage pathways were identified using SMPDB and MetaboAnalyst databases to clarify the relationship between metabolites. Biological networks allow to determine the effect of proteins on the metabolic pathways involved in pathogenesis of IUGR and determine the epigenetic mechanisms of its formation.
Proveden analiz metabolicheskikh puteĭ aminokislot pri zaderzhke rosta ploda (ZRP) na osnovanii izucheniia metabolomnogo profilia beremennykh. Ustanovleny puti, uporiadochennye sootvetstvenno urovniam dostovernosti (analiz obogashcheniia puteĭ) i znacheniiam vliianiia (analiz topologii puteĭ). Identifitsirovany biologicheskie sviazannye seti, postroennye s uchetom razlichiĭ metabolitov v gruppe ZRP i kontrol'noĭ gruppe i pozvoliaiushchie opredelit' vliianie otdel'nykh aminokislot na metabolicheskie puti, vovlechennye v patogenez dannogo oslozhneniia beremennosti.
Keywords: amino acids; biological network; intrauterine growth restriction; metabolic pathways; metabolomics.