Rates of tooth movement and bone remodeling activity: Self-ligating versus conventional brackets

J Clin Exp Dent. 2020 Apr 1;12(4):e391-e398. doi: 10.4317/jced.56615. eCollection 2020 Apr.


Background: Bracket systems have been developed with the purpose of reducing frictional resistance between the archwire and accessories. The aim of this research was to compare rates of tooth movement and regions of cellular bone modeling activity along tooth root surfaces of teeth moved with conventional vs. self-ligating brackets.

Material and methods: The experiments were conducted in 20 male dogs. Bands were cemented in all intermediate incisors, with conventional brackets (Morelli) on the right side and hybrid self-ligating ones (T3-American Orthodontics) on the left side. A 0.019" x 0.025" stainless steel wire was inserted passively in the slot of these brackets with chain elastics (250 gf) to perform sliding mechanics. Clinical records of the orthodontic mechanics were made before and after 15 days of the tooth movement. The dental segments of the animals were prepared for light microscopy. Statistical analysis of variance and the Tukey correction with a P value at 5% were used.

Results: There were no significant differences in tooth movement rates between the two types of brackets but differences, in the bone modeling activity, suggested that tooth movement with the self-ligating brackets resulted in more tipping and less translational movement than tooth movement with the conventional brackets.

Conclusions: The rates of tooth movement were similar between the two systems. The histological evaluation of cellular bone modeling activity along tooth root surfaces showed more translation movement of teeth with the conventional brackets, and more tipping movement of teeth with self-ligating brackets. Key words:Edgewise, histological reactions, orthodontic movement, self-ligating, brackets.