Vesicovaginal fistulas are a rare problem in the western world but are frequent occurrences in developing countries. In Germany the most frequent cause is hysterectomy. Vesicovaginal fistulas can be treated by the transvaginal or transabdominal approach depending on the characteristics of the fistula and the patient. The incidence and complexity of urorectal fistulas increase with the number of cumulative sequences of prostate cancer treatment. Overall there is no clear consensus about the optimal surgical approach route. The surgical treatment of both vesicovaginal and urorectal fistulas is associated with high permanent fistula closure rates; however, for both entities if the fistula is discovered early enough, conservative treatment with a temporary catheter drainage can be tried, depending on the underlying cause. For both conditions fistula repair in irradiated patients shows a much lower success rate. A spontaneous closure of fistulas in radiogenic fistulas is also not to be expected.
Keywords: Complications; Hysterectomy; Prostatic neoplasms; Urorectal fistula; Vesicovaginal fistula.