Objective: To evaluate vitality principle in breast cancer rats by pharmacologically developing a model for anticancer surveillance.
Methods: The breast cancer in rats was replicated with 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA, i.g., 100 mg/kg) at d001. The anticancer surveillance was defined as the intervals between the primary sensitization and the first challenge stirred with complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA), the various intervals (k = 0.80) were dominated from d025 (600.00 h) to d095 (2288.82 h). The optimal surveillant status was confirmed with the median effective interval (EI50) from tumor volume regressive curve, for developing the pharmacodynamic model. The tumor and tumor infiltrating lymphocyte histopathology was used to confirm the immune surveillance being affected with CFA in breast cancer tumorigenesis. The availability of this model was confirmed with Shugan Liangxue prescription (SLP), from the vitality principle, and assured further from interleukin-12 levels.
Results: The regressive curve was set up between the intervals and tumor volumes, the EI50 in SLP-treated rats (1475.00 h, YSLP = 0.1026 + 0.8780/[1 + 10(27.1425-8.565x)]) was postponed, which was 1.87 multiple of the EI50 in CFA rats (791.40 h, y = -0.0525 + 0.9452/[1 + 10(30.4870-10.52x)], so did prepone the curve between the intervals and the immunological biomarker, serum interleukin-12 levels, the EI50 in SLP-treated rats (744.90 h, YSLP = -0.0145 + 0.7455/[1 + 10(52.09636-18.13x)]) be 0.78 multiple of the EI50 in CFA rats (960.10 h, YCFA = 0.2460 + 0.7270/[1 + 10 (-67.1546 + 22.52x)]), this immunological action being mediated the anticancer prognosis. Tumor histology was confirmed the more tumor infiltrating lymphocytes activated in SLP rats with CFA stirred immunity than rats only received CFA.
Conclusion: The model for anticancer surveillance was pharmacologically established as the optimal interval (791.40 h) between the primary sensitization and the first challenge stirred with complete Freund's adjuvant. This available model was confirmed with SLP, from the vitality principle, for evaluating immunological effects against breast cancer.
Keywords: Breast cancer; Drug screening assays, antitumor; Freund's adjuvant; Pharmacology; Shugan Liangxue prespriction.