Mycoprotein is a food high in both dietary fibre and non-animal-derived protein. Global mycoprotein consumption is increasing, although its effect on human health has not yet been systematically reviewed. This study aims to systematically review the effects of mycoprotein on glycaemic control and energy intake in humans. A literature search of randomised controlled trials was performed in PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Google Scholar and hand search. A total of twenty-one studies were identified of which only five studies, totalling 122 participants, met the inclusion criteria. All five studies were acute studies of which one reported outcomes on glycaemia and insulinaemia, two reported on energy intake and two reported on all of these outcomes. Data were extracted, and risk-of-bias assessment was then conducted. The results did not show a clear effect of acute mycoprotein on blood glucose levels, but it showed a decrease in insulin levels. Acute mycoprotein intake also showed to decrease energy intake at an ad libitum meal and post-24 h in healthy lean, overweight and obese humans. In conclusion, the acute ingestion of mycoprotein reduces energy intake and insulinaemia, whereas its impact on glycaemia is currently unclear. However, evidence comes from a very limited number of heterogeneous studies. Further well-controlled studies are needed to elucidate the short- and long-term effects of mycoprotein intake on glycaemic control and energy intake, as well as the mechanisms underpinning these effects.
Keywords: Energy intake; Glycaemic control; Mycoprotein; Systematic reviews.