Care pathways (CPWs) are "multidisciplinary care plans that detail essential care steps for patients with specific clinical problems." While CPWs impact on health or cost outcomes is vastly studied, an in-depth analysis of the real-world implementation of the CPWs is an area that still remains underexplored. The present work describes how to apply an existing process mining methodology to construct the empirical CPW process models. These process models are a unique piece of information for health services research: for example to evaluate their conformance against the theoretical CPW described on clinical guidelines or to evaluate the impact of the process in health outcomes. To this purpose, this work relies on the design and implementation of a solution that a) synthesizes the expert knowledge on how health care is delivered within and across providers as an activity log, and b) constructs the CPW process model from that activity log using process mining techniques. Unlike previous research based on ad hoc data captures, current approach is built on the linkage of various heterogeneous real-world data (RWD) sets that share a minimum semantic linkage. RWD, defined as secondary use of routinely collected data as opposite to ad hoc data extractions, is a unique source of information for the CPW analysis due to its coverage of the caregiving activities and its wide availability. The viability of the solution is demonstrated by constructing the CPW process model of Code Stroke (Acute Stroke CPW) in the Aragon region (Spain).