The formation of tactile perception is related to skin receptors and the cerebral cortex. In order to systematically study the tactile perception from finger friction to the brain response, a 32-channel Brain Products system and two tri-axial force sensors were used to obtain electroencephalograph (EEG) and friction signals during fingers exploring grating surfaces. A finite element finger model was established to analyze the stress changes of the skin receptors during tactile perception. Samples with different grating widths and spaces were chosen. The results indicated that different gratings induced different stress concentrations within skin that stimulated Meissner and Merkel receptors. Skin friction was affected by gratings during the tactile perception. It was also found that P300 evoked by gratings was related with the skin deformation, contact area, friction force, and stress around cutaneous mechanoreceptors. The wider grating width generated larger skin deformation, friction force, and stress, which induced stronger tactile stimulation. The smaller grating spacing generated higher vibration frequency, inducing stronger tactile stimulation. The latency of the P300 peak was related to the difference between the textured target stimulus and the smooth non-target stimulus. This study proofed that there was a relationship between the activation in brain regions, surface friction, and contact conditions of skin during the tactile perception. It contributes to understanding the formation process and cognitive mechanism of tactile perception of different surface textures.
Keywords: Brain activation; DOF, degree of freedom; EEG, electroencephalograph; ERP, event-related potential; Finite element analysis; Friction; Gratings; P300; SS-EP, steady-state evoked potentials; Tactile perception.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Cairo University.