Background: This paper aims to discuss how physical activity (PA) brief assessment, brief counseling, and self-monitoring tools were designed and implemented in the Portuguese National Health Service (NHS), and to report on their current use by health professionals and citizens.
Methods: Three digital tools to facilitate PA promotion in primary health care (PHC) were developed: 1) a PA brief assessment tool was incorporated in the electronic health record platform "SClínico Cuidados de Saúde Primários"; 2) a brief counseling tool was developed in the software "PEM-Prescrição Eletrónica Médica" (electronic medical prescription); and 3) a "Physical Activity Card" was incorporated in an official NHS smartphone app called "MySNS Carteira".
Results: From September 2017 to June 2019, 119,386 Portuguese patients had their PA assessed in PHC. Between December 2017 and June 2019, a total of 7957 patients received brief intervention for PA by a medical doctor. Regarding the app "MySNS Carteira", 93,320 users activated the "Physical Activity Card", between February 2018 and December 2018.
Conclusions: These tools represent key actions to promote PA among Portuguese citizens using PHC as a priority setting. Further initiatives will follow, including proper assessment of their clinical impact and training programs for health care professionals on PA promotion.
Keywords: brief assessment; brief counseling; exercise; monitoring; physical activity; primary health care.