DscoreApp: A Shiny Web Application for the Computation of the Implicit Association Test D-Score

Front Psychol. 2020 Jan 10:10:2938. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02938. eCollection 2019.


Several options are available for computing the most common score for the Implicit Association Test, the so-called D-score. However, all these options come with some drawbacks, related to either the need for a license, for being tailored on a specific administration procedure, or for requiring a degree of familiarity with programming. By using the R shiny package, a user-friendly, interactive, and open source web application (DscoreApp) has been created for the D-score computation. This app provides different options for computing the D-score algorithms and for applying different cleaning criteria. Beyond making the D-score computation easier, DscoreApp offers the chance to have an immediate glimpse on the results and to see how they change according to different settings configurations. The resulting D-scores are immediately available and can be seen in easy-readable and interactive graphs, along with meaningful descriptive statistics. Graphical representations, data sets containing the D-scores, and other information on participants' performance are downloadable. In this work, the use of DscoreApp is illustrated on an empirical data set.

Keywords: D-score; implicit association test; implicit measures; shiny; social cognition; user-friendly; web application.