Titanium dioxide is a white colourant authorised as food additive E171 in the EU and is applied in a range of food products. Currently the EU specifications for E171 do not refer to the characterisation of particle size distribution; however, this may be requested in the near future. Only a few studies have been published to date reporting data on the size distribution of food grade titanium dioxide. The aim of this study was to characterise the size distribution of titanium dioxide particles contained in eight confectionery products and the pristine titanium dioxide samples used in each of the products. This allowed the direct comparison of the particle size distribution in both the pristine and the extracted materials. By using various analytical techniques, such as transmission electron microscopy, single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (sp-ICPMS) and centrifuge liquid sedimentation (CLS) for the characterisation and quantification of the titanium dioxide particle sizes, the impact of the instrumentation on the results was systematically studied. The volume-specific surface area (VSSA) and crystalline structure were also determined for all additives.
Keywords: Titanium dioxide (E171); confectionery; food additive; nanoparticles; single particle ICPMS; transmission electron microscopy.