Cooperative excitonic quantum ensemble in perovskite-assembly superlattice microcavities

Nat Commun. 2020 Jan 16;11(1):329. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-14078-1.


Perovskites-compounds with the CaTiO3-type crystal structure-show outstanding performance in photovoltaics and multiparameter optical emitters due to their large oscillator strength, strong solar absorption, and excellent charge-transport properties. However, the ability to realize and control many-body quantum states in perovskites, which would extend their application from classical optoelectronic materials to ultrafast quantum operation, remains an open research topic. Here, we generate a cooperative quantum state of excitons in a quantum dot ensemble based on a lead halide perovskite, and we control the ultrafast radiation of excitonic quantum ensembles by introducing optical microcavites. The stimulated radiation of excitonic quantum ensemble in a superlattice microcavity is demonstrated to not be limited by the classical population-inversion condition, leading to a picosecond radiative duration time to dissipate all of the in-phase dipoles. Such a perovskite-assembly superlattice microcavity with a tunable radiation rate promises potential applications in ultrafast, photoelectric-compatible quantum processors.