Rationale: A major hurdle in identifying chemicals in mass spectrometry experiments is the availability of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) reference spectra in public databases. Currently, scientists purchase databases or use public databases such as Global Natural Products Social Molecular Networking (GNPS). The MSMS-Chooser workflow is an open-source protocol for the creation of MS/MS reference spectra directly in the GNPS infrastructure.
Methods: An MSMS-Chooser Sample Template is provided and completed manually. The MSMS-Chooser Submission File and Sequence Table for data acquisition were programmatically generated. Standards from the Mass Spectrometry Metabolite Library (MSMLS) suspended in a methanol-water (1:1) solution were analyzed. Flow injection on an LC/MS/MS system was used to generate negative and positive mode data using data-dependent acquisition. The MS/MS spectra and Submission File were uploaded to MSMS-Chooser workflow in GNPS for automatic selection of MS/MS spectra.
Results: Data acquisition and processing required ~2 h and ~2 min, respectively, per 96-well plate using MSMS-Chooser. Analysis of the MSMLS, over 600 small molecules, using MSMS-Chooser added 889 spectra (including multiple adducts) to the public library in GNPS. Manual validation of one plate indicated accurate selection of MS/MS scans (true positive rate of 0.96 and a true negative rate of 0.99). The MSMS-Chooser output includes a table formatted for inclusion in the GNPS library as well as the ability to directly launch searches via MASST.
Conclusions: MSMS-Chooser enables rapid data acquisition, data analysis (selection of MS/MS spectra), and a formatted table for inspection and upload to GNPS. Open file-format data (.mzML or.mzXML) from most mass spectrometry platforms containing MS/MS spectra can be processed using MSMS-Chooser. MSMS-Chooser democratizes the creation of MS/MS reference spectra in GNPS which will improve annotation and strengthen the tools which use the annotation information.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.