The aim of this study was to visualize the tumor propagation and surrounding mucosal field in radiography-based 3D model for advanced stage HNSCC and combine it with HPV genotyping and miRNA expression characterization of the visualized area. 25 patients with T1-3 clinical stage HNSCC were enrolled in mapping biopsy sampling. Biopsy samples were evaluated for HPV positivity and miR-21-5p, miR-143, miR-155, miR-221-5p expression in Digital Droplet PCR system. Significant miRNA expression differences of HPV positive tumor tissue biopsies were found for miR-21-5p, miR-143 and miR-221-5p compared to the HPV negative tumor biopsy series. Peritumoral mucosa showed patchy pattern alterations of miR-21-5p and miR-155 in HPV positive cases, while gradual change of miR-21-5p and miR-221-5p was seen in HPV negative tumors. In our study we found differences of the miRNA expression patterns among the HPV positive and negative tumorous tissues as well as the surrounding mucosal fields. The CT based 3D models of the cancer field and surrounding mucosal surface can be utilized to improve proper preoperative planning. Complex evaluation of HNSCC tissue organization field can elucidate the clinical and molecular differentiation of HPV positive and negative cases, and enhance effective organ saving therapeutic strategies.