Background: The hidradenitis suppurativa clinical response (HiSCR) is the gold standard primary outcome measure for hidradenitis suppurativa clinical trials; however, it does not assess the presence of draining tunnels, a common finding in advanced disease. It is unclear what the effect of the presence or absence of draining tunnels has on the efficacy of adalimumab therapy in moderate and advanced disease.
Objectives: We evaluated the efficacy of adalimumab versus placebo using the International Hidradenitis Suppurativa Severity Scoring System (IHS4). Additionally, we assessed the effect of draining tunnels on therapeutic response as measured by both the HiSCR and change in nodule counts.
Methods: Reanalysis was conducted with the IHS4 and PIONEER 1 and 2 individual patient data. Both binary outcomes (achieving HiSCR and achieving change in IHS4 severity category) and continuous outcomes (nodule counts and IHS4 score) were calculated with R. Regression modeling was undertaken to assess the effect of draining tunnels and other variables. P < .05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: The significance of adalimumab therapy depended on the outcome measure used. Placebo response rates were highest when binary outcome measures were used. Draining tunnels, smoking, antibiotics, and body mass index influenced HiSCR response in PIONEER 2. Significant differences in disease severity were observed between PIONEER 1 and 2 data sets.
Conclusions: Elevated placebo response rates in PIONEER 1 and 2 are partially attributable to the use of binary outcome measures. Draining tunnels influence clinical response as measured by HiSCR and nodule counts in PIONEER 2. Further investigation into the effect of body mass index on clinical response is required.
Keywords: BMI; HiSCR; IHS4; acne inversa; hidradenitis suppurativa; outcome measures; placebo; tunnels.
Copyright © 2019 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.