Plasmonic heterodyne spectrometry for resolving the spectral signatures of ammonia over a 1-4.5 THz frequency range

Opt Express. 2019 Dec 9;27(25):36838-36845. doi: 10.1364/OE.27.036838.


We present a heterodyne terahertz spectrometry platform based on plasmonic photomixing, which enables the resolution of narrow spectral signatures of gases over a broad terahertz frequency range. This plasmonic heterodyne spectrometer replaces the terahertz mixer and local oscillator of conventional heterodyne spectrometers with a plasmonic photomixer and a heterodyning optical pump beam, respectively. The heterodyning optical pump beam is formed by two continuous-wave, wavelength-tunable lasers with a broadly tunable terahertz beat frequency. This broadly tunable terahertz beat frequency enables spectrometry over a broad bandwidth, which is not restricted by the bandwidth limitations of conventional terahertz mixers and local oscillators. We use this plasmonic heterodyne spectrometry platform to resolve the spectral signatures of ammonia over a 1-4.5 THz frequency range.