Acute gynaecologic disorders are commonly encountered in daily clinical practice of emergency departments (ED) and predominantly occur in reproductive-age women. Since clinical presentation may be nonspecific and physical findings are often inconclusive, imaging is required for a timely and accurate diagnosis. Although ultrasound is the ideal non-invasive first-line technique, nowadays multidetector computed tomography (CT) is extensively used in the ED, particularly when a non-gynaecologic disorder is suspected and differential diagnosis from gastrointestinal and urologic diseases is needed. As a result, CT often provides the first diagnosis of female genital emergencies. If clinical conditions and scanner availability permit, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is superior to CT for further characterisation of gynaecologic abnormalities, due to the excellent soft-tissue contrast, intrinsic multiplanar capabilities and lack of ionising radiation.The purpose of this pictorial review is to provide radiologists with a thorough familiarity with gynaecologic emergencies by illustrating their cross-sectional imaging appearances. The present first section will review the CT and MRI findings of corpus luteum and haemorrhagic ovarian cysts, gynaecologic haemoperitoneum (from either ruptured corpus luteum or ectopic pregnancy) and adnexal torsion, with an emphasis on differential diagnosis. Additionally, comprehensive and time-efficient MRI acquisition protocols are provided.
Keywords: Computed tomography; Corpus luteum; Ectopic pregnancy; Gynaecologic emergencies; Magnetic resonance imaging.