One of the motivations for multiferroics research is to find an energy-efficient solution to spintronic applications, such as the solely electrical control of magnetic tunnel junctions. Here, we integrate spintronics and multiferroics by depositing MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions on ferroelectric substrate. We fabricate two pairs of electrodes on the ferroelectric substrate to generate localized strain by applying voltage. This voltage-generated localized strain has the ability to modify the magnetic anisotropy of the free layer effectively. By sequentially applying voltages to these two pairs of electrodes, we successively and unidirectionally rotate the magnetization of the free layer in the magnetic tunnel junctions to complete reversible 180° magnetization switching. Thus, we accomplish a giant nonvolatile solely electrical switchable high/low resistance in magnetic tunnel junctions at room temperature without the aid of a magnetic field. Our results are important for exploring voltage control of magnetism and low-power spintronic devices.
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