Complement is a complex component of innate immune system, playing an important role in defense against pathogens and host homeostasis. The complement system has been comprehensively studied in mammals, however less is known about complement in teleost, especially in tetraploid common carp (Cyprinus carpio). In this study, a total of 110 complement genes were identified and characterized in common carp, which include almost all the homologs of mammalian complement genes. These genes were classified into three pathways (alternative pathways, lectin pathways and classical pathways), similar to those in mammals. Phylogenetic and selection pressure analysis showed that the complement genes were evolving-constrained and the function was conserved. Most of the complement genes were highly expressed in spleen, liver, brain and skin among the tested 12 health tissues of common carp. After Aeromonas hydrophila infection in the common carp, many members of complement genes were activated to bring about an immune response and expressed to against any pathogenic encroachment. Gene expression divergences which were found between two homoeologous genes suggested the functional divergences of the homoeologous genes after the 4R WGD event, revealing the evolutionary fate of the tetraploid common carp after the recent WGD.
Keywords: Common carp; Complement genes; Expression analysis; Phylogeny.
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