A 60-year-old Caucasian female was referred for biopsy-proven amelanotic orbito-conjunctival melanoma. Map biopsies revealed residual invasive melanoma on the deep tarsal margin at the site of previous surgery. Repeat excisions were required after recurrence was detected following 3 months and 7 months. Positron emission tomography scan detected liver metastasis and additional orbito-conjunctival melanoma recurrence. Biomarker testing showed NRAS mutation without BRAF or c-KIT mutations and without PD-L1 expression. Systemic checkpoint inhibitor therapy was initiated with regression of both the orbito-conjunctival melanoma and liver metastasis. Invasive, non resectable orbito-conjunctival melanoma with liver metastasis can demonstrate a response to systemic checkpoint inhibitor therapy.
Keywords: Checkpoint inhibitor; conjunctiva; eye; melanoma; tumor.