The concept of aggressive pituitary tumor (APT) has been precisely defined in recent years. These tumors are characterized by morphological (radiological or histopathological) data of invasion, proliferative activity superior to that of typical adenomas and a clinical behavior characterized by resistance to standard therapies and frequent recurrences. The absence of cerebrospinal or distant metastases differentiates them from the pituitary carcinoma. APTs account for about 10% of all pituitary neoplasm. Proper diagnostic implies participation not only of radiological and hormonal investigation but also a thorough pathological assessment including proliferation markers and immunohistochemistry for hormones and transcription factors. Surgical resection, aiming gross total resection or tumor debulking, is the mainstay initial therapy in most patients. Most patients with APTs need more than one surgical intervention, pituitary radiation, sometimes on more than one occasion, and multiple sequential or combined medical treatments, to finally be doomed to unusual treatments, such as alkylating agents (temozolomide alone or in combination), molecular targeted therapies, or peptide receptor radionuclide therapy. Multimodal therapy, implemented by experts, preferably in specialized centers with high volume caseload, is the only way to improve the prognosis of patients with these uncommon tumors. The research needs in this area are multiple and include a greater knowledge of the molecular biology of these tumors, establishment of protocols for monitoring and sequencing of treatments, development of multicenter studies and international registries.
Keywords: Acromegalia; Acromegaly; Adenoma hipofisario no funcionante; Aggressive pituitary tumors; Medical therapy; Neurocirugía; Neurosurgery; Non-functioning pituitary adenoma; Prolactinoma; Radioterapia; Radiotherapy; Tratamiento médico; Tumores hipofisarios agresivos.
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