Hypoglycemic and antioxidant effect of Juniperus procera extract on rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes

Pathophysiology. 2019 Sep-Dec;26(3-4):361-368. doi: 10.1016/j.pathophys.2019.11.001. Epub 2019 Nov 11.


Juniperus procera, a coniferous tree in the cypress family, is one of the famous medicinal plants traditionally used in the southern area of the Arabian peninsula. This study examined the anti-hyperglycemic action of Juniperus procera extract (JPE) on diabetic rats. Sixty male rats were divided into 6 equal groups: control, control treated with JPE (200 mg/kg), diabetic, diabetic treated with insulin (1 U/kg), diabetic treated with JPE (200 mg/kg), and diabetic treated with both insulin and JPE. Blood and tissue samples were collected for serum chemistry, gene expression, and immunohistochemistry analyses, the results of which revealed hyperglycemia and inflammation following diabetes induction. Administration of JPE alone or with insulin reduced the hyperglycemia reported in diabetic rats by 25 %. The immunohistochemical examination of pancreatic tissues demonstrated a moderate restoration of insulin and NF-κB expression in pancreatic and hepatic tissues. Significant recovery was observed for glutathione-S-transferase (GST), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) mRNA expression in the livers of rats treated with JPE. Administration of JPE led to similar amelioration of the mRNA expression of pyruvate kinase (PK) and phosphoenol pyruvate carboxy kinase (PEPCK) in the livers of diabetic rats. In addition, diabetic rats treated with insulin, JPE, or a combination of these agents demonstrated an improvement in the mRNA expression of IRS-1 and IRS-2 in hepatic and pancreatic tissues, reaching levels approaching normal. Our findings led us to conclude that JPE has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect accompanied by a moderate hypoglycemic effect that occurs via different mechanisms.

Keywords: Antioxidants; Diabetes; Expression; Insulin receptors; Juniperus procera extract.