We have prepared the indium(III)-centered, all-acetate-capped polyoxopalladate(II) nanocube [InPd12O8(OAc)16]5- (InPd12Ac16), which can be further used as precursor to form the phosphate-capped (i) double-cube [In2Pd23O17(OH)(PO4)12(PO3OH)]21- (In2Pd23P13) and (ii) monocube [InPd12O8(PO4)8]13- (InPd12P8). All three novel polyoxopalladates (POPs) were synthesized using conventional one-pot techniques in aqueous solution and characterized in the solid state (single-crystal XRD, IR, elemental analysis), in solution (115In, 31P, and 13C NMR), and in the gas phase (ESI-MS).