The genus Homalictus Cockerell has not been taxonomically reviewed in the Fijian archipelago for 40 years. Here we redescribe the four known species and describe nine new ones, bringing the number of endemic Homalictus in Fiji to 13 species. We provide identifications keys to all species. Most of the species diversity (11 species) have their distributions over 800 m asl (meters above sea level; highlands), and with only two species under 800 m asl (lowlands). We highlight the vulnerability of the highland-restricted species to a warming climate, and document the potential extinction of one highland species. The new species described here are H. atritergus sp. nov., H. concavus sp. nov., H. groomi sp. nov., H. kaicolo sp. nov., H. nadarivatu sp. nov., H. ostridorsum sp. nov., H. taveuni sp. nov. H. terminalis sp. nov. and H. tuiwawae sp. nov.. [Zoobank URL:].
Keywords: Hymenoptera, DNA barcodes, Lasioglossum, Pacific Islands, taxonomy, Viti Levu.