Introduction: Cystourethroscopy is one of the most common procedures performed by urologists in both office and operative settings. With the recent centralization of cystoscopy at our center, we looked to assess our current delivery model, to determine whether patients prefer their initial visit to be in cystoscopy or in the clinic, followed by a cystoscopy appointment later.
Methods: We administered 500 prospective questionnaires to adults undergoing cystoscopy by 14 urologists at our center in 2017. Patient demographics were collected, along with their questionnaire results that we compared to their urologist-reported indication, results, and plan. Our primary objective was to assess whether patients prefer to be seen direct to cystoscopy (DTC) vs. a clinic appointment (CA) before cystoscopy.
Results: A total of 500 questionnaires were analyzed, with 336/500 (67%) patients being male. Mean age was 66 years (21-93), with 30% under 60 years. Thirty-nine percent (n=193) were undergoing their first cystoscopy, with 85% preferring DTC. There was no difference in age, gender, first-time cystoscopy, or indication for cystoscopy when comparing those who preferred DTC vs. CA. Patients who had an accurate understanding of the indication for their cystoscopy had 6.23 times higher odds of preferring DTC (p<0.05). We also identified a deficiency in patient comprehension of cystoscopy results and followup plans.
Conclusions: With limited health resources, a large patient catchment area, and the majority of patients preferring to be seen DTC, there is evidence to implement a default DTC approach to booking cystoscopy clinics.