Adherens junctions, consisting of cadherins and catenins, are a group of cell-to-cell junctions that mediate mechanistic linkage between neighboring cells. By doing so, adherens junctions ensure direct intercellular contact and play an indispensable role in maintaining tissue architecture. Considering these critical functions, it is not surprising that adherens junctions are frequently involved in disease. In the present study, the effects of bile duct ligation-a surgical procedure to experimentally induce cholestatic and fibrotic liver pathology-on hepatic adherens junctions were investigated in mice. In essence, it was found that liver mRNA and protein levels of E-cadherin, β-catenin and γ-catenin drastically increase following bile duct ligation. These results could suggest a cytoprotective role for hepatic adherens junctions following bile duct ligation.
Keywords: cadherin; catenin; cholestasis; fibrosis; liver.