Inactivating germline pathogenic variants of the DICER1 gene are responsible for a spectrum of rare diseases, which expanded a lot in recent years. The constitution of an U.S. registry with these patients and their families as well as the registration of patients in European databases of rare tumors helped to better identify diseases encountered in this syndrome but also to study its pathophysiology (major role in miRNA maturation and recently discovered functions, e.g. in genome integrity maintenance). Most encountered disorders are pediatric malignancies, mainly the pulmonary pneumoblastoma and Sertoli-Leydig tumours. However, benign pathologies such as thyroid goiters, cystic nephromas or pulmonary cystic lesions are also frequently reported. Homogeneous guidelines regimens written by the European groups working on very rare pediatric tumors are proposed but it is important to underscore that they rely on rare scientific data; therefore overall consensus remains precarious. The genetic counseling to families is still difficult due to the large observed spectrum of tumors and the incomplete penetrance. In this article, the authors update current knowledge on the DICER1 syndrome.
Keywords: Children; Conseil génétique; DICER1; Dépistage; Enfant; Genetic counseling; Ovarian Sertoli-Leydig tumor; Pleuropneumoblastoma; Pleuropneumoblastomes; Rare tumors; Screening; Surveillance; Tumeur ovarienne de Sertoli-Leydig; Tumeurs rares.
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