We demonstrate a multi-purpose plasmonic sensor based on a nanovoid array fabricated via inexpensive and highly-reproducible direct femtosecond laser patterning of thin glass-supported Au films. The proposed nanovoid array exhibits near-IR surface plasmon (SP) resonances, which can be excited under normal incidence and optimised for specific applications by tailoring the array periodicity, as well as the nanovoid geometric shape. The fabricated SP sensor offers competitive sensitivity of ≈ 1600 nm/RIU at a figure of merit of 12 in bulk refractive index tests, as well as allows for identification of gases and ultra-thin analyte layers, making the sensor particularly useful for common bioassay experiments. Moreover, isolated nanovoids support strong electromagnetic field enhancement at lattice SP resonance wavelength, allowing for label-free molecular identification via surface-enhanced vibration spectroscopy.
Keywords: direct femtosecond laser printing; nanovoid arrays; plasmonic sensors; refractive index and gas sensing.