Objective: The research is to study the present situation and influencing factors of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) nursing competency in grade A of level Ⅲ hospital in Shandong province. and provided reference for further training and education of IBD nurses. Methods: From October, 2018 to May, 2019, the research is a cross-sectional study including 17 cities, 327 IBD nurses (qualified group n=197, unqualified group n=130) based on the IBD nursing competency questionnaire. The questionnaire is self-designed on the reference of registered nurse core competence scale and the reliability and validity have been tested very well. Results: The IBD nursing competence questionnaire has 8 categories and 68 entries. The content validity index (CVI) is 0.90, while the Cronbach index is 0.992. The median score of IBD nursing competency is 70.59 and each category vary from 55.00 to 84.38. Among them, the critical thinking skills or research ability (55.00) and continuing nursing (58.33) behave not very well. According to the single factor analysis, the hierarchy (P=0.031) and the follow-up numbers of IBD patients (P=0.001) are two significant factors for the IBD nursing competency. In the Logistic multiple factors analysis, the hierarchy (N(1) and N(2)) and the follow-up numbers of IBD patients (21-50 patients) are also important factors. Conclusion: The present situation of IBD nursing competency of Shandong province is acceptable. But there is still a long way to go in the aspect of critical thinking skills, research ability, and continuing nursing. Nurse hierarchy level and follow-up of IBD patients affect nursing competence and we should reinforce the training and education of IBD nurses.
目的: 了解山东省三级甲等医院消化内科炎症性肠病(IBD)护士护理胜任力的现状及影响因素,为加强护士培训提供参考和依据。 方法: 2018年10月至2019年5月对17个地级市的消化内科IBD护士327人进行横断面调查,以注册护士核心能力量表为基础设计针对消化内科IBD护士护理胜任力问卷进行护理胜任力现状调查,并根据IBD护士护理胜任力得分情况分为合格组197人(>63分)与不合格组130人(≤63分)进行影响因素统计学分析。 结果: 护士护理胜任力得分中位数70.59分,各维度护理胜任力得分中位数为55.00~84.38,批判性思维、科研(55.00分)及延续护理(58.33分)得分偏低。单因素分析结果显示,层级和随访IBD患者例数是护士护理胜任力的影响因素(χ(2)=10.533、16.831,P<0.05)。多因素分析显示,与N(0)层级相比较,层级较高的护士(N(1)层级、N(2)层级)其胜任力的得分较高(OR=2.908、2.784,P<0.05);与随访例数少于20名者相比较,随访IBD患者例数较多者(21~50例)其胜任力的得分较高(OR=6.294,P<0.05),层级与随访IBD患者例数是影响消化内科IBD护士护理胜任力的主要影响因素。 结论: 山东省三级甲等医院消化内科IBD护士护理胜任力水平整体尚可,但在批判性思维、科研及延续护理方面仍有欠缺;护士的层级和随访IBD患者例数是影响IBD护士的护理胜任力的重要影响因素。.
Keywords: Competency; Inflammatory bowel disease; Influence factors; Nurses.