The inability to achieve adequate intracellular antiretroviral concentrations may contribute to HIV persistence within the brain and to neurocognitive deficits in opioid abusers. To investigate, intracellular antiretroviral concentrations were measured in primary human astrocytes, microglia, pericytes, and brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMECs), and in an immortalized brain endothelial cell line (hCMEC/D3). HIV-1 Tat and morphine effects on intracellular antiretroviral concentrations also were evaluated. After pretreatment for 24 h with vehicle, HIV-1 Tat, morphine, or combined Tat and morphine, cells were incubated for 1 h with equal concentrations of a mixture of tenofovir, emtricitabine, and dolutegravir at one of two concentrations (5 μM or 10 μM). Intracellular drug accumulation was measured using LC-MS/MS. Drug penetration differed depending on the drug, the extracellular concentration used for dosing, and cell type. Significant findings included: 1) Dolutegravir (at 5 μM or 10 μM) accumulated more in HBMECs than other cell types. 2) At 5 μM, intracellular emtricitabine levels were higher in microglia than other cell types; while at 10 μM, emtricitabine accumulation was greatest in HBMECs. 3) Tenofovir (5 or 10 μM extracellular dosing) displayed greater accumulation inside HBMECs than in other cell types. 4) After Tat and/or morphine pretreatment, the relative accumulation of antiretroviral drugs was greater in morphine-exposed HBMECs compared to other treatments. The opposite effect was observed in astrocytes in which morphine exposure decreased drug accumulation. In summary, the intracellular accumulation of antiretroviral drugs differed depending on the particular drug involved, the concentration of the applied antiretroviral drug, and the cell type targeted. Moreover, morphine, and to a lesser extent Tat, exposure also had differential effects on antiretroviral accumulation. These data highlight the complexity of optimizing brain-targeted HIV therapeutics, especially in the setting of chronic opioid use or misuse.
Keywords: Blood-brain barrier; Dolutegravir; Emtricitabine; Mass spectrometry; Neuro-human immunodeficiency virus (neuroHIV); Opioid; Tenofovir.
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