The data supplied in this work are related to the research article entitled "IL-17A neutralizing antibody regulates monosodium urate crystal-induced gouty inflammation" [1]. This data article presents the results of the gating strategy applied to identify Treg population in peripheral blood of mice injected with MSU crystals and MSU crystals + interleukin-17 antibody (IL-17Ab). Lastly, this article provides in-depth immunophenotyping data relating to all specific and isotype control antibodies used in the phenotypical characterization of circulating Treg (defined as CD4+CD25+Foxp3+), Th17 (defined as CD4+IL-17+) cells and joint-infiltrated (in situ) inflammatory monocytes (defined as B220-GR1highF480highCD115+).
Keywords: Gout; IL-17A; Monocytes; Monosodium urate crystals; Neutralizing antibody; Th17; Treg.