The hyper-activation of the phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinase signaling pathway is a hallmark of many cancers and overgrowth syndromes, and as a result, there has been intense interest in the development of drugs that target the various isoforms of PI 3-kinase. Given the key role PI 3-kinases play in many normal cell functions, there is significant potential for the disruption of essential cellular functions by PI 3-kinase inhibitors in normal tissues; so-called on-target drug toxicity. It is, therefore, no surprise that progress within the clinical development of PI 3-kinase inhibitors as single-agent anti-cancer therapies has been slowed by the difficulty of identifying a therapeutic window. The aim of this review is to place the cellular, tissue and whole-body effects of PI 3-kinase inhibition in the context of understanding the potential for dose limiting on-target toxicities and to introduce possible strategies to overcome these.
Keywords: PI 3-kinase inhibition; cancer; cell signaling; metabolism; on-target drug toxicity.