Background: The demand to sample brain regions in non-model species is increasing as more studies are integrating neurological data into behavioural, ecological or evolutionary analysis. However, the sampling operation is difficult for researchers without neuroscience background. It is also a challenge to collect neuroanatomical regions from animals in the field.
New method: Here we developed a new brain matrix for guiding researchers to section zebra finches' (Taeniopygia guttata) brains more steadily than by freehand trimming. Based on the 3D printing technology, we produced the zebra finch brain matrix from scratch. We also provided a step-by-step protocol to make brain matrices for any species with a brain size between that of shrews and dogs.
Results: The brain matrix could guide us to find the zebra finch's neuroanatomical landmarks, such as the hypothalamus, optic chiasm and occulomotor nerve. The matrix's channels near these landmarks could be used to section brains steadily and rapidly.
Comparison with existing methods: Standardized brain sectioning often requires expensive machines that may not be available in most laboratories or in the field, such as microtomes. In addition, machine-based trimming is time-consuming. Although commercial brain matrices can overcome these problems, they are only available for rats and mice. The brain matrices we developed are affordable to most laboratories and can be customised for non-model species in both lab and field experiments.
Conclusions: The matrix-guided approach requires a relatively short training period and can allow researchers to properly and quickly sample brains, and thus will facilitate neuroscience-based interdisciplinary research.
Keywords: 3D printing; Avian brain; Brain matrix; Brain sectioning; Neuroanatomy; zebra finch.
Copyright © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.