This review will focus on the inflammatory and toxic mechanism of action of 7-ketocholesterol (7KCh) and the potential implications of its accumulation, especially in the retina. 7KCh is a pro-inflammatory oxysterol usually associated with oxidized lipoprotein deposits present in aged retinas. High amounts of 7KCh can be generated in situ in these lipoprotein deposits possibly through a free radical-mediated mechanism catalyzed by iron. 7KCh seems to activate several kinase signaling pathways that work via multiple transcription factors to induce cytokines and intracellular effectors causing cell death. There seems to be a controversy in the literature in relation to the mechanisms of death induced by 7KCh. Some of the discrepancies arise from the way the oxysterol is delivered because different signaling pathways are activated in different experimental setups. The elucidation of the inflammatory and toxic mechanisms is crucial for the discovery and design of new therapies. Importantly, there is little evidence of 7KCh detoxifying mechanisms in the retina, although some potential enzymes have been described. Thus, continuous formation throughout life and potential toxicity of 7KCh points it out as an "age-related" risk factor in pathologies such as age-related macular degeneration.
Keywords: 7-Ketocholesterol; Age-related macular degeneration; Antioxidants; Cell death; Inflammation; ROS; Retina; Signaling; Sterculid acid.
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