Homocysteine (Hcy), a sulfur-containing nonproteinogenic amino acid, is generated as a metabolic intermediate. Hcy constitutes an important part of the "1-carbon metabolism" during methionine turnover. Elevated levels of Hcy known as hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) results from vitamin B deficiency, lack of exercise, smoking, excessive alcohol intake, high-fat and methionine-rich diet, and the underlying genetic defects. These factors directly affect the "1-carbon metabolism (methionine-Hcy-folate)" of a given cell. In fact, the Hcy levels are determined primarily by dietary intake, vitamin status, and the genetic blueprint of the susceptible individual. Although Hcy performs an important role in cellular functions, genetic alterations in any of the key enzymes responsible for the "1-carbon metabolism" could potentially upset the metabolic cycle, thus causing HHcy environment in susceptible people. As such, HHcy relates to several clinical conditions like atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, cognitive impairment, dementia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and ocular disorders, among others. This article summarizes the findings from our laboratory and public database regarding genetics of HHcy and its effects on ocular disorders, their respective management during dysregulation of the 1-carbon metabolism.
Keywords: genetic polymorphism; hyperhomocysteinemic eye; oxidative stress; perte de la vision; polymorphisme génétique; stress oxydatif; vasculopathie; vasculopathy; vision loss; œil hyperhomocystéinémique.