Versatile Method for the Simultaneous Synthesis of Two Ionic Liquids, Otherwise Difficult to Obtain, with High Atom Economy

ChemistryOpen. 2019 Jul 18;8(7):972-983. doi: 10.1002/open.201900217. eCollection 2019 Jul.


A new synthetic approach and full spectral (NMR, IR, MS) and ion chromatographic characterization (IC) of nitrogen-based ionic liquids bearing allyl- or ethyl- substituent and triflate, tosylate, methyl sulfate or methanesulfonate anion has been presented. On a sample of 16 new ionic liquids, the versatility of the anion exchange method has been proven. In the metathesis reactions that have been carried out, the halide anion was exchanged in ionic liquid with an alkyl sulfonate based anion using alkylating agents. The results obtained using ion chromatographic analysis on the newly synthesized compounds have been discussed. Also, the utilization of a gaseous methyl halide by-product, obtained in the metathesis reaction and otherwise difficult to synthesize, has been presented. This approach ensured high atom economy of the overall process, which makes the proposed methodology sustainable and eco-friendly.

Keywords: NMR spectroscopy; ion chromatography; ionic liquids; metathesis reactions.