We introduce a method for quantitative hyperspectral optical imaging in the spatial frequency domain (hs-SFDI) to image tissue absorption (μa) and reduced scattering (μs') parameters over a broad spectral range. The hs-SFDI utilizes principles of spatial scanning of the spectrally dispersed output of a supercontinuum laser that is sinusoidally projected onto the tissue using a digital micromirror device. A scientific complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor camera is used for capturing images that are demodulated and analyzed using SFDI computational models. The hs-SFDI performance is validated using tissue-simulating phantoms over a range of μa and μs' values. Quantitative hs-SFDI images are obtained from an ex-vivo beef sample to spatially resolve concentrations of oxy-, deoxy-, and met-hemoglobin, as well as water and fat fractions. Our results demonstrate that the hs-SFDI can quantitatively image tissue optical properties with 1000 spectral bins in the 580- to 950-nm range over a wide, scalable field of view. With an average accuracy of 6.7% and 12.3% in μa and μs', respectively, compared to conventional methods, hs-SFDI offers a promising approach for quantitative hyperspectral tissue optical imaging.
Keywords: hyperspectral; spatial frequency domain imaging; supercontinuum laser; tissue optical properties.